How Long Is Claim Process?

How Long Is Claim Process?

Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016 1 comment(s)

The length of time it takes to complete a claim depends on several factors, such as the type of claim filed, complexity of your disability(ies), the number of disabilities you claim, and the availability of evidence needed to decide your claim.

How Long Will This Process Take?

You can track the status of your claim by registering for eBenefits at You can also visit VA's ASPIRE web site. Here you can find the average processing days for the regional office that is working on your claim. To find the average processing days for your state:

·        Find your state on themap, place your cursor within the state and click

·        This will open theVeterans Benefits Administration Aspire • Benefits site. Click"Enter"

·        You should see a splittable. On the left table click on "Compensation"

·        This will expand thetable. Approximately five rows down is "Rating Claims ProcessingTime"

·        Follow that row to theright until you locate the cell located within the column of your regionaloffice.

The number you see is the average processing days to complete a claim that requires a disability rating. The average is based on completed claims since October 1 in a given fiscal year.

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